
5 Ways to Show Your Customers You’re Thankful for Them

This time of year, everyone wants to give thanks to those who have helped them throughout the year. For insurance companies (and other businesses too, for the record), this means thanking those loyal customers.

So, how can you show your genuine appreciation for your customers? Here are a number of useful ideas that will make those who are loyal to you feel honored.

1) Provide Them with a Free Logoed Item

Items with the company logo on it make good end-of-year giveaways, as long as those things are actually useful and wanted by your customers. A calendar? Sure, everyone can use one of those, so pick a wall sized one, or even a smaller option for a desk or pocket. Other cool giveaways include inexpensive clocks, refillable cups, pens, pads of paper, koozies, and more. Feel free to think outside the box. Just remember to keep the logos on the small side, and ensure that the items are useful, otherwise, they’ll end up adding to your customer’s clutter.

2) Host an Event for Loyal Customers

On top of free logoed items, people also like free food and beverages. Putting together a small holiday event is a good way to show your customers that you thank them for their business. Just pick a day and send out invitations via email or traditional mail. Then, hold a day of thanks for your customers in your main office. Provide them with sweet treats like cookies and slices of cake, punch, soda, and, if you feel like offering a full meal, several finger food options.

3) Put Together a Referral Program

Referral programs are popular because current customers can get something for free if they refer a friend to your business and that person purchases a policy. You can decide on the terms and conditions, as well as the free gift that they receive, but keep in mind that gift cards for stores like Target and Amazon are very popular. Other options include cold, hard cash and policy discounts, as well as anything else that you think your customers will like.

4) Give Them Coffee

Let’s be honest – who doesn’t like coffee? Well, for those who prefer tea, iced drinks, or even interesting pastries, coffeehouses like Starbucks have it all. Purchase a bunch of $5 gift cards for your loyal customers, and hand them out or send them to their homes and offices, along with a thank you note. It’s a small gesture that will go a long way.

5) Create a Rewards Program

Since most insurance companies offer their policies on a six-month term basis, why not reward your renewing customers with a discount? Creating a rewards program is fairly easy. You just need to set up the terms, develop the rewards, and let everyone know about it. Since people like to save money just as much as they love free things, this is something that they’ll appreciate.

Contact Spivey Insurance

Want to find out how we show our customers just how much we appreciate them? It’s easy.  Contact us today and start a new policy. You’ll find out pretty quickly that we love and appreciate all of our customers!

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