What are the Advantages of Using a Professional Landscaping Company?

With the warm weather approaching that means your lawn is gearing up for a hot summer ahead. We want to make sure that your lawn is the best looking lawn on the block. Here at Spivey Insurance Group we are lucky enough to insure some great landscaping companies. Check out our partners page HERE.

Here are a couple of great tips on the advantages of hiring a professional landscaping company.

  1. Saving Time. A lot of us do not have time to always mow the grass, plant flowers, or fertilize. Hiring a professional to do your landscape work allows you to enjoy your weekends and not spend hours in the yard.
  2. Consistent Care. Hiring a professional landscaper, you are always guaranteed a set calendar day when your lawn will be taken care of. This allows you to travel and spend your summer away from home.
  3. Professional Opinions. Landscapers know what plants are good in every season. They know when to fertilize and when to water. They have the knowledge and expertise to address any issues that can arise unexpectedly.


Professional landscaping automatically adds curb appeal and helps show a great first impression of your home. It can also add value to your property. If you are a small business landscape owner, make sure you have the proper insurance and coverage for your small business. Call one of our agents today if you have questions at 704-821-4460. Keep up with Spivey Insurance Group throughout the year on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google Plus.


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