Do You Have an Advance Healthcare Directive?

This is a grimmer topic than we would normally cover for celebrating national days, but it’s a very important subject. Today, April 16, is National Healthcare Decisions Day. In observance, we wanted to remind everyone how important it is to have an advance healthcare directive in place.

Just like insurance, an advanced healthcare directive is there to protect your interests if an accident or illness befalls you. It lets your healthcare providers know what your wishes are regarding resuscitation and other end-of-life healthcare matters if you are not consciously able to make decisions. Without an advance directive, your doctors may be left questioning your loved ones about what to do regarding your healthcare. This is a problem because oftentimes people’s loved ones don’t know someone’s wishes or may not agree with each other.

Everyone should have an advance healthcare directive, but especially now with a global pandemic going on, it’s a good time to put an advance directive in place if you don’t have one already. With the free time many of us are now faced with being stuck at home, preparing your advance directive or reminding your family members they need one too is something important and productive we can be doing.

To make completing an advance directive easier for you, we’ve attached this template specific to North Carolina here: There are instructions that will guide you through the process of putting your advance directive on file for your doctors and loved ones to use if need be. 

At Spivey Insurance Group, we want all of our friends and neighbors to feel secure that their end-of-life wishes will be known when the time comes. If you have any questions about what you need to protect yourself in the more immediate future, we’re here to meet all of your insurance needs. Call us at 704-821-4460 or connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn or Pinterest so we can discuss how to best protect you and your family. 

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