Meet Kelly, our Customer Service Representative

If you have visited the office recently you have probably been welcomed by one of our newest employees, Customer Service Representative, Kelly Price. She joined the team in December 2016. Kelly is a big part of what makes Spivey Insurance Group function.

Here is a brief description Kelly and what she enjoys doing in her spare time and what she has to offer to Spivey Insurance Group. We wanted to let you get to know her a little bit better.

What was your Previous career before Insurance:
I was previously employed at State Employee Credit Union in Pineville.

What’s the best part of the job?
You have your own space and own area to work. You have to accomplish tasks and can prioritize your work throughout the day.

When you are not working what do you like to do?
Some of my hobbies include spending the weekends on the lake with friends on our pontoon boat, going four-wheeler riding, and spending time with family.

Are you from this area?
My husband Chad and I live in Monroe, NC. We have been married for nearly two years.

If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be and why?
Happy, do not have a negative outlook on anything and try to find the positive in every situation.

What was your most recent vacation spot and the activities you enjoyed while away?
My husband Chad and I recently went to the mountains and stayed in Cherokee. One thing that I enjoyed was when we went tubing on the river.

Can you tell me a little bit about your family/home life? Pets? Kids?
I am married to my wonderful husband Chad. We also have a little wiener dog named June. I also have an older brother, Brian and a sister, Neely.

What are some skills you have at Spivey Insurance group that can help our customers?
I feel like I am very friendly person. I like to take time getting  to know the customers so I can better assist them.

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