a red car that was involved in an accident with no fault auto insurance coverage

No-Fault Insurance Coverage Explained

When you look over your car insurance policy, you’ll probably notice something called Personal Injury Protection coverage. This is also known as No-fault Insurance Coverage. Most U.S. states require that drivers have this as a part of their overall automobile policy, which means that in order to be fully insured, this needs to be included.

The real question is: what is no-fault insurance coverage? What does it do? As you’ll find out, this coverage plays a vital role in providing you with the necessary protections that you may need should you get into an automobile accident, even one that isn’t your fault.

What Is No-Fault Insurance Coverage?

No-fault Insurance coverage is designed to protect you in case of an accident. If you’re injured in a car accident, or, depending on the policy, if someone hits you with their car while you’re walking down the street, your no-fault coverage may kick in. Even if the accident isn’t your fault, your insurance may pay for things like your medical care and lost wages. This is why it’s called no-fault coverage, it covers you, no matter who is at fault for the incident.

What Will Personal Injury Protection Coverage Do for You?

On top of taking care of medical expenses, in case you end up in the hospital or needing ongoing treatment for something like whiplash, personal injury protection also covers a number of other things. It can take care of lost wages in some cases, should you end up having to spend some time away from work, due to your injuries. This type of coverage might even take care of some funeral expenses, if someone ends up passing away due to injuries sustained in the accident. On top of that, personal injury protection can even pay for everyday tasks like having someone clean your home or take care of your lawn, if your injuries prevent you from doing those things yourself.

What Doesn’t It Cover?

Although personal injury protection covers a lot of things, it doesn’t take care of everything. Any damage done to your vehicle, the other party’s vehicle, or any of the property around the accident (like fences or lawns) aren’t covered. You’ll need other types of automobile insurance for that.

Different Than Bodily Injury Coverage

States that require no-fault insurance coverage often require drivers to have bodily injury coverage as well. How do the two differ? Well, no-fault insurance covers the damage done to your body in case of an accident, no matter who’s to blame for it. The other type of insurance, bodily injury coverage, only takes care of the other party involved in the accident, should they get hurt and you’re to blame for the accident.

As you can see, no-fault insurance coverage is certainly helpful if you’re involved in an accident. Even if the other party is found at fault for the accident, your personal injury protection can kick in and cover some of your medical expenses and lost wages.

Need a quote for no-fault insurance? Let our Spivey Insurance team help you today!

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