How to Prepare Before a Hurricane Hits

Hurricane Florence is fast approaching the North and South Carolina coast line and here at Spivey Insurance Group we want to make sure you are fully prepared for any damage that may come from hurricanes or even severe weather in our area. Make sure that you and your family are properly informed on these hurricane tips to ensure your safety.  Buy the items early so you aren’t paying double for them. We also recommend buying early so you make sure you have all of these supplies before the panic starts. Check out the local news, radio, or national weather forecasts and become informed. The most important thing to do is be prepared.

Make sure you keep your emergency belongings in a waterproof container. Here is a list of emergency items you and your family need before severe weather strikes:

  • Flashlights and extra batteries
  • First Aid Kit
  • Duct tape
  • Pillows, blanks, air mattresses, and sleeping bags
  • Hand Tools
  • Battery operated radio
  • Important paperwork that includes driver’s license, medical information, insurance policies, and social security card
  • List of phone numbers and addresses
  • Credit Cards

Here is a list of survival items you and your family will need:

  • Food, which needs to include non-perishable foods
  • Bottles of water: make sure you have enough for every member in your family
  • Prescription medicines
  • Cash
  • Extra Clothing
  • Fill up your gas tank


Before severe weather hits check your home insurance immediately to ensure that you have the proper coverage in case damage does occur from a hurricane or severe weather.  We want to remind everyone to have their insurance policies in a safe dry place with claim numbers in case there is a need to call. Review your emergency plan with your family and post the written plan. Children may be at school and adults at work when the storm hits. Here at Spivey Insurance we want to protect what’s closest to you. Call our office today at 704-861-4460.

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