How to Stay Safe During Your Morning Commute

Every day hundreds of Charlotte natives head to work or school causing traffic and other delays on the roadways. If you’re commuting between 6AM to 8AM, you probably know how dangerous and stressful it can be during rush hour. Here at Spivey Insurance Group we want to make sure you stay safe during your morning commute.

Planning ahead. When you are leaving for work make sure you have plenty of time in the morning. Make sure to have everything planned in the morning so you won’t have to rush out the door. Accidents, weather, and school buses can impact the time of your commute. To save time in the morning lay out your outfit and make your lunch the night before. This will save you time in the morning.

Follow all school zone laws. Please make sure to pay attention and obey all the signs/laws in a school zone. It is illegal to pass a school bus when the red lights are flashing. Make sure you slow down and use precautions when you go through a school zone.

Be prepared with the proper paperwork. In your car you should have your registration and insurance forms. If an accident were to occur you would have to proper paperwork. If you need to update your auto insurance please let us know and we are able to help.

Get rid of the distractions around you. Driving many people can get very distracted. Make sure to not look at your phone, avoid eating, playing with the car radio, and continue to stay focused while driving. It is not only dangerous to you, but it is dangerous to everyone around you.

Here at Spivey Insurance we want to make sure you have a safe commute to work.  If you have questions about your auto insurance feel free to call the office at 704-821-4460 or stop by our office. Make sure to share with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google Plus!

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