Staying Well During the Winter Months

Cold and Flu season is here, and that can mean frequent trips to the doctor’s office. The basics in every insurance plan cover well and sick doctors’ visits, along with some prescription drug plans. It is important to know what your insurance plan may cover.  This is where it can get tricky. You may not be sure if your current insurance policy will cover a certain area of doctors, or if your health insurance will cover the specialist you may need to visit.  Once you make that call to schedule an appointment, the insurance specialist will be able to advise you on what your policy covers or may not cover. Always have your insurance card on hand when you call or visit a doctor’s office.

Colds and flus are extremely contagious from the time you get them until around three to five days after your symptoms start. They’re usually not contagious after a week, even if you’re still coughing or congested. Make sure to wash your hands frequently and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. It’s also best to take at least a couple of days off work or school while you’re most contagious.

The best way to prevent the flu is to get an annual flu shot. Good hygiene and personal habits can also reduce your risk for catching both the cold and flu. Be sure to follow the recommendations below to fight off harmful germs.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water frequently for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid close contact with sick people
  • Avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth
  • Cover your cough
  • Wipe down surfaces often with household cleaners or disinfecting wipes


When you are feeling under the weather, remember Spivey Insurance Group is here to protect what’s closest to you. Make sure to connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google Plus.

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