What can I do to protect myself during Hurricane Season?

Hurricane Season has officially started. June 1st was the official first day of hurricane season for the Atlantic Coast. Unfortunately, North Carolina is on the Atlantic Coast. We must not be concerned about what could happen, but we should prepare ourselves for when it does.   One way to protect yourself is by properly preparing […]

Are you Prepared for a Flood? Do you need Flood Insurance?

  It seems as if we have been experiencing more and more floods in the past few years.  The key to preventing floods is to be prepared. One way to prepare and protect your investments, such as your home, is to purchase the correct insurance, which is a flood policy. Flood insurance is an additional […]

Did You Know Your Homeowners’ Insurance Doesn’t Cover Floods?

It’s a common misconception that your homeowners’ insurance policy will cover you from all water damage in your home. Unfortunately, carriers make the distinction between damage caused by water above your home and water below. Water coming from above is covered, but water coming from below is not. That leaves many people with a huge […]