North Carolina Umbrella Insurance

No one wants to pay more than necessary for insurance, but you don’t want to discover you’re not covered when you need protection the most, either. A North Carolina umbrella insurance policy closes a common insurance gap created when you reach the limits of your existing policies.

When Can An Umbrella Insurance Policy Help?

All insurance policies limit the amount they’ll pay for liability claims, and in today’s litigious environment, that’s a great concern. When you’re already insured for the maximum amount, it may not provide sufficient protection when you experience a catastrophic loss.

If you have a substantial net worth or you do not want to jeopardize your future earnings, an umbrella insurance policy is often the ideal solution. Otherwise, when you reach your policy limit through a legal defense, court costs, damages and other obligations, you’ll carry the burden for the balance.

Serious injuries can include medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost income. Death claims can include costs beyond this, including funeral and burial expenses, compensation for the loss of the deceased person’s role in a survivor’s life, and more.

A catastrophic loss could force you to sell assets, tie you to debt payments for years, and cause irreparable collateral damage. You may not be able to send your child to college, buy that new dream home you’ve always wanted, or retire when you had originally planned to.

How Does An Umbrella Insurance Policy Work?

An umbrella insurance policy kicks in when you’ve exhausted the liability limits of your homeowners insurancerenters insuranceauto insurance, or other policy. It provides additional protection once you’ve reach the liability limit of the underlying policy.

How Much Umbrella Insurance Do You Need?

Discuss your current insurance coverage with Spivey Insurance Group. We will look at your assets, pinpoint high-risk areas, and recommend coverage to protect you well.

Umbrella insurance policies are sold in increments from $1 million, and some insurers offer up to $10 million. While this may seem like excessive coverage, it is important to realize how quickly costs can accumulate.

For instance, a standard home insurance liability limit might be $100,000. If someone’s severely injured on your property, the immediate medical costs and projected medical care could quickly exceed $1 million.

Spivey Insurance Group can often offer lower premiums if you bundle all your policies under our roof, too. Let us help you protect your assets and future income at the lowest possible rates.

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