21 Aug Getting to Know: Chris Spivey
Here is a brief description of Chris Spivey and what he enjoys doing in his spare time and what he has to offer to Spivey Insurance Group. Chris is a big part of what makes Spivey Insurance function. We wanted to let you get to know him a little better.
Favorite Saying:
“It is what it is.”
Insurance Experience:
“I have been in the insurance industry for over 28 years.”
Can you tell me a little bit about your family/home life? Pets? Kids?
“I have a great family, lovely wife that is my partner at work and home. I have three hardworking sons. Colby he is 24 and the oldest. He is one of our agents that works at Spivey with us. Colin is 20 goes to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Clay is 16 and attends Sun Valley High school and works part time at Spivey Insurance. We also have one baby girl, Molly our golden retriever.”
What’s the best part of the job?
“I appreciate helping and getting to know people in the community.”
If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be?
“Insurance Stud”
What are some skills you have at Spivey Insurance that can help our customers?
“I always want what is best for the client. Here at Spivey we protect what’s closest to our customers and treat them like family.”
When you are not working what do you like to do?
“I like going to the lake or playing golf.”
My close friends know I really like…
“Playing golf and enjoying the lake with my family.”
You can find me here when I need peace and quiet…
“At the lake, relaxing.”
The song that really gets me going is…
“Uptown funk by Bruno Mars or anything by Lynyrd Skynyrd.”
I am most thankful for…
“My wonderful family.”
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