Are you going to be traveling this holiday season? Whether you are traveling long or short distances to visit with friends and family, it is always a good idea to go over your current auto insurance policy. When traveling during the holiday season, the roads are more congested, the weather is dangerous, and stress is added to the mix. Do not let these conditions stop you from the holiday joy that family and friends bring.
When it comes to your understanding your auto insurance policy, make sure your policy fits for your holiday destinations. Standard auto insurance policies cover body injury liability, property damage liability, and personal injury protection. At Spivey Insurance Group, we offer an umbrella auto insurance policy, for extra protection. Umbrella insurance policy covers extra fees such as legal fees if you were to get into a lawsuit. When it comes to protecting not only your vehicle but yourself during your holiday travels, make sure to trust a community insurance company to have you covered. Don’t let the stress of auto insurance bring you down this holiday season! If you have any questions about your auto insurance policy or want to upgrade your policy, call Spivey Insurance Group at 704-821-4460. Keep up with Spivey Insurance Group this holiday season on Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, and Twitter!