Happy National Business Women’s Day!

“I am a Woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal Woman, that’s me.” ―Maya Angelou. Today is a celebration, National Business Women’s day, to recognize all the women who have an influence in the business world. Congress officially declared September 22, National Business Women day in 1983 and once again in 1986. From that day forward, we recognize all the powerful women who have an influence on the American business world.
As a nation, we appreciate what businesswomen do. The hard work and dedication that they preform day in and day out in order to please the American people. The American Women Business Association, has one motto, “to bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them – to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support, and national recognition.”
It can be hard to recognize millstones in your business. But today, all you women working in business should treat yourself. Treat yourself to a bottle of wine and favorite type of gourmet chocolate. Take the time today, to recognize all the hard work that you have put in to get to the point you are at today. We thank you, the women in business, who have overcame many difficult trails in America’s history, to be doing the hard work that you excel at today. So today especially, remember that you are a phenomenal woman, and nothing will ever change that. Happy National Business Women’s Day!

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