08 Apr Hazardous Driving Condition Tips
As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. Yes we all love springtime, but what does that mean for our daily driving commutes? Weather can be unpredictable in April and that being said driving conditions can often become unsafe. Thunderstorms and heavy periods of rain can appear almost instantly without any warning. When driving to your destination, here are some tips that can make your drive safer:
1. Do not drive unless it is absolutely necessary. If at all possible stay put until the storm passes or leave a few minutes earlier to allow extra time.
2. Turn on your head lights. In most states this required by law when raining.
3. If you see a flooded road…AVOID it. Do not try and attempt to drive through this. Take an alternative road.
4. If the rain becomes too heavy and you can no longer see the road, pull over on the shoulder and turn your emergency flashers on. Never get out of your vehicle.
5. Check your windshield wipers to ensure that they are in proper working condition. Without working wipers it is impossible to see.
Most importantly obey all traffic laws and drive with necessary caution. Use your best judgment. If you are hesitant or feel unsafe then do not drive. Allow a safe distance between other vehicles. If an accident does occur, make sure you have an insurance policy that will coverage any damages. Call Spivey Insurance Group today at 704-821-4460 or visit us on the web if you have any questions concerning auto policies.
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