How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

I want to mention to to one of the best ways to remember and honor the people we love that are dear to us. Prepare them financially to a future in the case that you are no longer around.

At Spivey Insurance we hear stories everyday about families that were prepared for the loss of a loved one and we also hear stories of those who were not prepared. You don’t want to be in the “not prepared” stories.

Charlotte Life Insurance

Life Insurance is really purchased for the people you Love because we buy it to help the loved ones we leave behind.

Studies show that a good percentage of people don’t have any life insurance at all. And the ones that do have life insurance , need more coverage.

There are many decisions to make when buying life insurance such as how much to buy, what type is needed, term or whole life and how much will it cost. It can be very overwhelming.

We can help you make good choices about your life insurance that fits you and your loved ones. We walk you through the process of explaining the coverage and payments.

Remember, life insurance is protecting and securing the future for the loved ones that you leave behind. 

Spivey Insurance has been around a long time and we pride ourselves in helping North & South Carolina families protect themselves with many different life insurance products.

Our professional staff is made up of your friends and neighbors and we understand. We see you in the community and in our churches and on the playgrounds. We love hearing the stories from you about how we were able to help many of you in your time of loss. 

Call us at 704.821.4460 and let us help you with a financial plan for the future.

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