How to Be Prepared For a Flood


With the Mississippi River at record levels and all of the actions taken to try to control the flooding, everyone has the dangers of a flood on the mind. In Memphis, TN the river crested at almost 48 feet, which is 16 feet above flood level and close to the record 48.7 feet from 1937. The latest action taken, the opening of the Morganza spillway a major floodgate which hasn’t been opened in four decades, has caused a mass evacuation and could affect up to a 3,000 square mile area and up to 25,000 people. While many are being affected, this option was the lesser of two evils and protects the more populated cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans along with the many oil refineries and chemical plants along the lower reaches of the Mississippi.

While many of those being affected are warned yearly that they are in a danger zone, most never believe something like this could happen to them. However, there are several ways that people can be prepared for a flood to best minimize the damage physically, finicially, and mentally. Continue reading to learn about the many ways to be ready in case something like this were to happen to you!

How can you be prepared for before, during, and after a flood? The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which offers flood insurance nationwide, offers some tips on how people can be ready for the major dangers of flooding.


  • Have a written inventory of your household inventory
  • Use a water-resistant safe or cabinet to store valuable documents and irreplaceable items
  • Ensure your insurance policies are up-to-date (in addition to homeowners insurance, you will need a separate flood insurance policy to cover water damage)
  • Move your most valuable items and furniture upstairs if you have a second story
  • Install a sump pump in your basement
  • Keep a supply of bottled water in an elevated place in order to avoid it from being contaminated by flood water


  • Once a flood is imminent, fill empty jugs along with bathtubs and sinks with clean water in case the water supply becomes contaminated
  • Keep up-to-date on news reports on the radio or television
  • Evacuate immediately if the report is given
  • If you are unable to evacuate before the flooding begins, move to the second flood, attic or roof if necessary
  • In addition to avoiding touching the water due to the harmful disease it can carry, avoid walking in what seems to be shallow water because as little as 6 inches of water can be powerful enough to knock you down
  • Do not drive on a flooded road! It takes as little as 2 feet of water to carry away a car


  • Call the agent for your flood insurance policy if your home has sustained damage
  • Upon returning home, to photographs of all damage and save a damaged personal items in order to speed up the insurance claim process
  • Until the water supply has been declared safe by authorities, boil all water for drinking and food preparation
  • Set up fans, dehumidifiers, and air conditioners to dry your house out more quickly

For more information on flood safety, visit to read more helpful tips from NFIP. For information on flood insurance call Spivey Insurance Group today to talk to one of our helpful agents or visit our website for a free claim. Also, don’t forget to follow us on facebook and twitter for more helpful hints and information!   

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