Insurance For the College Graduate

College gradation is right around the corner. Many college graduates are entering the working world and setting up many financial plans. One common aspect of planning that college graduate tend to look over are insurance policies. For many years, students have been apart of their parent’s insurance plans. Now that it is time for college graduates to start their own plan, it can be overwhelming. Once a college graduate establishes himself or herself, whether it their hometown or a completely new city, they must start looking into insurance plans that best fit them.
When it comes to health insurance, making sure to obtain a plan that covers doctors visits in your area is important. Although college students may not worry about health insurance, they never know what may happen. Consult your parents about who their health insurance provider is and tips along the process. Most health policies will allow the child to remain on their parent’s policy until a certain age.
When entering the working force, many recent college graduates also make large purchases such as a house or car. It is most common for recent grads to rent before they buy. At Spivey Insurance Group, we have a Rental Insurance policy that will cover their personal contents, such as electronics, furniture etc. If you are purchasing a new vehicle, it is a law that you must have car insurance. Investing in your own plan now can save you time and money down the road.
If you are a recent college graduate, take the time to look into different insurance policies that will be best fit your needs. Remember the essentials, health insurance, home insurance, and auto insurance. And don’t forget about starting a Life Insurance policy when you are young, rates are low. At Spivey Insurance Group, we can design an insurance plan just for you. Give Spivey Insurance Group a call at 704-821-4460. Spivey Insurance Group would love to see your gradation pictures! Share with us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google Plus!

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