It’s Child Abuse Awareness Month!

Ever since 1983, April has been proclaimed as the National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Since then, child abuse and neglect awareness activities have been promoted across the country during April of each year. The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN) within the Children’s Bureau coordinates Child Abuse Prevention Month, providing information and releasing updated national statistics about child abuse and neglect each April.

Shaken Baby Syndrome is a form of child abuse that is frighteningly being seen all over the United States more and more. An estimated 1,200 to 1,400 cases of Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) occur each year in the United States. Only 1 out of 4 babies dies of Shaken Baby Syndrome. HOWEVER, the other three babies will need ongoing medical attention for the rest of their short lifespans.

What is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

  • A serious brain injury.
  • Occurs when a baby is violently shaken.
  • Occurs when a baby is slammed against a hard object.
  • Shaking usually is done out of anger or frustration.
  • Shaking must be of such force that an independent observer would recognize the act as dangerous.


How can you prevent a tragedy?

The most important thing to remember is that if you or someone else accidently or purposely shakes a baby, the child needs medical help immediately. Call 911 or take the child to the emergency room right away! Some suggestions for parents include:

  • Never throw or shake your baby! When frustrated, calm yourself first by taking slow, relaxing breaths. If that doesn’t work, sit down for 20 seconds and close your eyes to relax.
  • Learn about ways to calm your child down such as taking your baby for a stroller ride, play music for your baby, or gently rock or walk your baby.
  • Call the doctor if you think your baby is sick.

Here at Spivey Insurance Group, we are committed to the prevention of child abuse and neglect. One of our agents has a special interest in the topic, here is her testimonial:

“‎6 years ago today my son Seth was violently shaken by our babysitter. I thank God that he had his hand on Seth the entire time. I also thank God that he put people like Chris & Sandra Spivey and Angie in my life. They all played a HUGE part in Seth’s recovery. I didn’t have to worry about my job and missing work… the only concern that they had was for my family and Seth & I will be forever grateful for that!!! Angie you got hit hard keeping up with your work and my work and also helping to take care of Sam…. thank you for being my true friend through thick and thin!” – Valerie Harn Cox, March 18th, 2011

For more information on Shaken Baby Syndrome, visit or to learn how to become involved visit Get Involved: What You Can Do.

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