Run a More Organized Office with NC Business Insurance

When you run a business, you know there’s not much time for organization. Filing falls by the wayside. Computer files are saved in random folders, never to be found again. Your NC business insurance policies are hidden under that pile of papers on your desk that’s dangerously close to falling off the edge. But when your office is organized, everything becomes much more efficient, which can ultimately lead to less time wasted and more profit for you. Here are some tips:

  • Take the time. Tackling the entire office at once can seem daunting, but schedule an hour or two each day to go through different parts of the office.
  • Throw things away. A pack rat is the enemy of organization! Toss things that you know you no longer need.
  • Invest in more space. If your office is messy because no one has room to put anything, invest in shelving, filing cabinets, or some other form of storage. Make sure each employee has ample space that is just for them, such as a shelf on a bookcase or a drawer in a filing cabinet.
  • Organize your computer. Think of how much time you’ve spent looking for a file on your computer. Set up a filing system on your computer, just as you would in a filing cabinet. Keep most-accessed items on your desktop, and create shortcuts to everything else. When naming files, make sure you use something that’s easily searchable.
  • Keep it up. Organizing is useless if no one keeps up with it. Make sure you and your employees know where everything goes, and take the extra few seconds to put things in their rightful places. Those few seconds will save you hours of searching in the future!

Imagine never having to search for your NC business insurance policies, important client papers, or a missing spreadsheet again! Organization can help your office save time and run more efficiently. By doing a little bit each day, you’ll save tons of time in the future. Happy organizing!


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