charlotte teen auto insurance

Tips To Lower Teenage Auto Insurance Rates

Why do young drivers pay more for auto insurance?

Well there are two main reasons why young drivers pay more for car insurance.

One simple fact is that young drivers don’t have a lot of experience. This is just common sense. Don’t you remember when you first got your driver’s license? Yes, scary I know.

The other factor is they are more likely to get into car accidents than experienced drivers. This is a just a fact. Like most everything else, we get better at things the more we do them. Driving is no exception.

The good thing is once you get your license, each year that you drive your insurance premium will go down for three years. It’s sort of a congratulations from the insurance companies.

It’s important that you keep a clean driving record, watch your speed and be a cautious driver. Not only is this the safest thing you can do, but it may also save your life.

If you are a parent and you have a young person in your family who has started driving or soon will be, teach them the importance of safe driving. Tell them it will save Mom & Dad some money.

Call Spivey Insurance today to lower your Charlotte area teenage driver insurance premiums. We’ve been doing this for a long time and we’ve all experienced teenage drivers of our own.

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