Two Things You Must Have This Season… Lights and Home Owners Insurance!

Yes, it’s the season of giving!


The Christmas season is here… if you haven’t already noticed by the music, decorations and lights everywhere!


When we decorate our homes, something could go wrong with the electrical components within our home.


A few things you need know about your home if you are going to decorate for Christmas.


1)   When decorating, be sure to check and only use lights that are rated for “indoor” use. Of course, use outdoor lights for the outside decorating. Yes, there is a difference!

2)   Always unplug Christmas tree lights before leaving or going to bed.

3)   Avoid running long cords. Yes, we all know we do it… but the number one cause for overloaded outlets indoors as well as outdoors is long drop cords or too much plugged into the same outlet. This can short out a circuit in your home!

4)   Cover the end of lights with tape that are used outside. Water could get into the end of the lights if you do not have another strand plugged in. It could cause that strand of lights to go bad and cause a breaker to flip, or worse cause that outlet to short out and potential start a fire.


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704-821-4460 or 877-318-5951


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