What Can I do to Help the Community?

April is National Volunteer month. Volunteering is one of the best ways to give back to the community. There are so many ways you can volunteer. One of the ways you can volunteer is through food drives. There are many food drives that need your help. All you must do is put boxes of food in trunks for the people who need it the most. You may not feel like you are helping but you are. These people love to see smiling faces and people who are there to help by choice instead of need.

I don’t have time

Another way you can volunteer is through donations. Technically it is not “volunteering”, but you are still helping the community. The most common types of donations are school supplies. Help kids be prepared to learn my giving book, notepads, pencils, Calculator etc. You can also donation clothes/shoes and other necessity items we can take for granted.

Use your talent

You can even use your talent to volunteer. If you are an accountant, they have ways to help the community by doing taxes for the people in need. That is just an example but there are many more ways you can help serve the city you live in. We are the only ones who can help the city grow and flourish.

How do I start?

You can start by looking up places you would like to volunteer. Union County NC Is a great place to start if you are needing more info on where to volunteer. Spivey insures many nonprofits through our partner program. Take a look at our partner page here.

Here at Spivey, we encourage our employees to be active in each of our communities. Our employees are spread out from downtown Charlotte, Matthews, Indian Trail, and Monroe. We want to be sure to hit all those communities and be a part of the transformation of Charlotte greater area. Follow us on social media to keep up with our partner page, volunteer work, and much much more  Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.

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