5 Spring Cleaning Tips

Every spring many of us decide to clean out overcrowded closets or get our garage in order. Big tasks can often seem overwhelming. Sometimes, however, it’s the small cleaning jobs that can really brighten our homes and still make it seem like we have actually accomplished a lot. The following tips provide helpful advice for getting the most out of your spring cleaning with some “not so big” jobs.

1. Clean the Kitchen Sink
A lot of kitchen sinks harbor more germs than a toilet, especially those that have garbage disposals. Clean the sink with vinegar, followed by hydrogen peroxide. This will kill most of the viruses and bacteria lurking in the sink without using harsh chemicals.

2. Dust Light Fixtures
Don’t risk your safety or waste time climbing on a ladder when there are plenty of extendable dusters on the market. Dusting overhead light fixtures will automatically brighten rooms. While you’ve got the duster out, it would also be the ideal time to clean ceiling fans as well.

3. Clean Out Medicine Cabinets
It’s amazing how quickly these areas can become cluttered. Go through cabinets in the kitchen and the bathroom and eliminate all expired medications. Organize items according to what medications are used most often. You may even end up with extra room for some other items.

4. Freshen the Bedroom
Flipping the mattress and putting on a new set of spring sheets will instantly spruce up the bedroom with a new look, and may even help you sleep better.

5. Air Out Space Rugs
While cleaning carpets may be a big job, airing out area rugs isn’t. Shake them out and let the rugs hang on a clothes line for a few hours on a sunny day.

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