Charlotte Flood Insurance

Anyone who purchases a homeowners insurance policy will most likely consider purchasing flood insurance at some point. But how do youknow if you really need it? Here are a few tips for making that determination and assessing your risk for a flood on your own. Is it required? First and foremost, you may not have […]

How to Prevent Home Burglary

No matter how safe your neighborhood is, it is still vulnerable for a break-in. Many people find this out after coming home from being away only to find their belongings tossed all over the place and their expensive and cherished valuables gone.

What Causes Skin Cancer?

Most people love to be out in the sun. However, prolonged sun exposure puts people at greater risk of getting skin cancer. Many may not know that there are two types of harmful ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun, UVA and UVB rays. These can both lead to skin cancer, including the most deadly form, melanoma. High amounts of sun exposure can also cause sun damage to the skin, shown by wrinkling and early aging. UVB rays specifically cause burns, cataracts. And can even affect the body’s immune system. 
So how can people protect themselves while still enjoying time outdoors?

Fix Drywall Water Damage With These Tips

When drywall is water damaged, it should be repaired as soon as possible. Many things cause water damage like flooding due to wet weather, pipes that have become corroded, leaky pipes, or pipes that have burst. Leaving drywall in its damaged state can create more serious problems later, like mold formation.