We are what you might call auto insurance specialists in the Charlotte, NC area.
We take a lot of pride in that because we have insured the same families and businesses for years for their autos. You don’t do business like that unless their is a good reason.
We try to offer up the absolute best customer service anywhere.
We don’t believe in computer voice telephone directories.
When you call Spivey Insurance for an auto insurance quote, you get speedy service for one of our agents who all happen to have many years of experience.
When you call Spivey Insurance for an auto insurance quote, you get speedy service for one of our agents who all happen to have many years of experience.
We take a lot of calls for teenage drivers from a lot of concerned parents who are very nervous about young new drivers who need insurance.
We can’t cure all your nerves but we can find you some of the lowest auto insurance rates for teenagers in the entire Charlotte area.
So, just relax a little and call us. We’ll guide you through the process and try to save you some money along the way.
Check out Angie’s video tip for teen drivers.
She offers a quick tip for teen drivers and what they need to bring with them to get their drivers license.
They need a DL-123 form and we can provide that for you.
Believe me, there is not a question you can think of that we have not been asked before.
If you would like to watch this video on our YouTube page and view many of our other videos, just click here, Auto Insurance Charlotte.
Give us a call at 704-821-4460 for a free sit down consultation and find out why so many families choose Spivey Insurance for all their auto insurance needs.
View this short message from Chris Spivey to you.
View this short message from Chris Spivey to you.
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