Does Your Auto Insurance Policy Cover Off-Roading - black jeep on offroad by pexels-the-lazy-artist-gallery

Does Your Auto Insurance Policy Cover Off-Roading?

Some vehicles, like Jeeps or other 4x4s, are designed for going off the beaten path. Some people take off-roading to an extreme, heading down dirt roads that have been purposefully filled with obstacles that were meant to be driven over. There are entire clubs and groups dedicated to off-roading. But what happens if you’re in an accident while off-roading? This isn’t as simple as driving down a dirt road in the country, only to find that you get into a minor fender bender with another car. Damage caused by off-roading can be quite bad, especially if you drive the vehicle into a huge boulder or it rolls over. So, the million-dollar question is: will your car insurance cover that damage?

Standard Auto Insurance Policies

For the most part, a standard auto insurance policy won’t cover damage caused by off-roading. While you should check the fine print on your policy, just in case, you can more than likely expect that coverage to not exist. Even if you have a vehicle designed for off-roading, your regular auto policy may deny any claims brought about by driving your vehicle off the beaten path, especially if you went down one of those pre-designed off-roading tracks, and you might even end up having your policy canceled by the insurer, even if you don’t crash, because you used your vehicle in this manner. Instead, you’ll need a special addendum to your current policy.

Off-Roading Auto Insurance Policies

Since a standard policy won’t cover off-roading, you’ll need to get a special one. These are usually offered as an addendum to your existing auto insurance policy, although, depending on the company, it might be entirely separate as well.

What types of coverage should you expect? An off-roading insurance policy often covers the following:

  • Personal Injuries – If you injure someone else while you’re off-roading and you are determined to be at-fault in the accident, then your insurance will cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other expenses.
  • Collision – This one is obvious. In case your vehicle is in a collision with another while off-roading and you’re found to be at fault, the insurance will cover any repairs related to the damage.
  • Property – Sometimes, while off-roading, you might end up damaging someone else’s property, such as a fence or yard, or even a house, if your events take you too close to where people live. Your property coverage will cover any necessary repairs to these items and more.
  • Comprehensive – Finally, there’s comprehensive insurance. This covers damage to your car. For example, if you cause a crash while on an off-roading track and end up damaging your vehicle and another one, your comprehensive insurance will cover the repairs to your car, while your collision insurance will cover the other party’s vehicle.

Read Your Policy Carefully

There are a number of things that can invalidate your off-roading insurance policy, such as modifying your vehicle or performing illegal activities while driving. Always make sure to read over your policy carefully so you don’t accidentally do something that will cause the company to terminate your coverage. Unsure if you need an off-road auto insurance policy? Give us a call!

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