Happy Chocolate Cake Day!

Smooth, creamy and delicious! Do we have your taste buds ready for some chocolate? If we do, then you should also hear the great health benefits chocolate has to offer.


Lower stress by volumes, manage insulin levels and reduce the chance of having a stroke. These could be the benefits that you could pay your body if you eat a little chocolate each week, using moderation. A 2011 Swedish study found that men and women who ate more than 45 grams of chocolate a week had a 20 percent lower risk of stroke than those who treated themselves to fewer than 9 grams of the sweet stuff.


Today is declared as chocolate cake day! That’s right, you have the right to order that chocolate cake off the dessert menu, or scoop up that tasty looking creation in the grocery store without feeling guilty.


A recipe for a Chocolate Cake that will be sure to bring joy to your taste buds is in the link. Go check it out!


Also, you have the opportunity to win a special surprise that includes chocolates! Just stay tuned and look out for one of our partners of the week on Facebook!


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