How Important is Home Inventory?

Doing a home inventory is very important not only in insurance claims, but also financial and estate planning. A home inventory is a detailed report of possessions and anything that has value. Take photos of guns, TVs, and other belongings. Be aware of the items that are in your possession. Make sure all jewelry items have been appraised and kept in a safe place. Also, credit card statements, receipts, and other documents need to be stored in a safe deposit box. The home inventory process might be time consuming, but it can really speed up and help with the insurance claim process.

By doing a home inventory it can help unclutter your home and get rid of any unnecessary items. When you are throwing away old receipts or documents it is best to shred them so personal information cannot easily be obtained. In case of an accident or disaster a complete home inventory can protect you and your family. An extensive home inventory report can be very helpful to an insurance agent if the home is ever damaged. In the long run a home inventory can save you time and money.

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