Insurance Explained: Motorcycle Insurance

Riding motorcycles presents a high risk whether you are involved in a small accident of a serious collision. Statistics show that 4,500 motorcycle riders are killed and over 90,000 are injured in motorcycle accidents every year. Every motorcycle rider has the opportunity to be seriously injured without protection. There are 35 times more accidents involving motorcycles than autos, which are surrounded by 2,000 pounds of protection.

For these reasons, motorcycle riders need to invest in an insurance policy that provides complete protection with in a strong policy covering both medical as well as property damages.

Motorcycle insurance rates vary from local companies to national because of the companies’ policies and the laws in each state. Typically, liability, medical, collision and comprehensive coverage are the aspects of protection that are required for your motorcycle.

  • Medical insurance reimburses the owner for medical costs including a portion of rehabilitation, if required. Laws vary according to state.
  • Liability insurance covers the injuries to other people in an accident. Adding Guest Passenger Liability will cover a passenger on your bike, but does not cover anything for the owner of the motorcycle.
  • Collision insurance is the protection needed for the motorcycle in an accident. Most insurance companies reimburse the book value for the factory motor, so if you have chrome pipes or other parts, chrome paint or a side-car, be sure to get added coverage on those items.
  • Comprehensive insurance basically covers the losses to your bike that did not occur in a collision, such as hit and run, vandalism, fire, theft or weather damages.
  • Uninsured Motorists or PIP is the coverage needed when the other driver does not have insurance to cover your injuries or property damages.

Every accident is tragic, and if you are the victim of a collision you need coverage. Take time to research the right insurance company, and often, motorcycle insurance can be bundled with your auto or homeowner’s policy, which makes everything easier for you.



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