09 Sep Insurance for the Teenage Driver
Having a child grow up does not only mean changes for them, it means changes for you too. Kids getting older bring many changes to the family, like adding another driver. Is your kid getting his or her drivers licenses this year? Will they be driving a new vehicle to and from school everyday? Or traveling to college? These are important questions to consider as you start evaluating your vehicle insurance policy.
Having a new driver in the family can be expensive. According to insurancequotes.com, the average auto insurance policy can increase up to 80% depending on the state. This is because teen drivers are grouped into the ‘inexperienced and riskiest’ category. North Carolina is one out of the five states that does not consider gender when increasing insurance rates for new drivers.
There could also be insurance adjustments if your kid is heading off to college. If they are not taking their car with them, your insurance premium can decrease. If they are taking their car with them, your insurance may increase due to a new location. It is best to talk with your insurance agent to see what will happen to your insurance policy with a new driver. At Spivey Insurance Group, our agents are there to answer any personal questions you have concerning your family and auto insurance policy. Call our agents today at 704-821-4460. Keep up with Spivey Insurance Group throughout the year on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google Plus!
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