
Spivey Insurance Group likes to recognize one our clients each month and feature them as the partner of the month. This May, we would like to recognize a local business in the area, Tyson Heating and Air. Tyson Heating and Air is a full-service air conditioning and heating contractor with the ability to service and...

Happy Mother’s Day!! Sunday, May 13th is such a special time in everyone’s lives. We get to celebrate our mother’s once a year to tell them how much we cherish them and celebrate them. Being a mother is one of the toughest jobs there is and here at Spivey Insurance Group we want to thank...

When it comes to insuring your boat, many people think that they can tact it onto of their home or auto insurance. This is not the case. Different boat insurance policies are created for different types of watercraft’s. There are many factors that go into a boat insurance policy, age of boat, speed/horsepower, where will...

Having a child grow up does not only mean changes for them, it means changes for you too. Kids getting older bring many changes to the family, like adding another driver. Is your kid getting his or her driver’s licenses this year? Will they be driving a new vehicle to and from school every day?...

It’s National Small Business Week. Here at Spivey Insurance Group we take great pride in being a small business and serving our customers across the Carolina’s to the best of our ability. It isn’t easy being a business owner. Small businesses can face unique and difficult challenges, but it is also very rewarding. It takes...

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. For many of us we have been guilty of distracted driving at least once. All forms of distracted driving endanger driver, passenger, and bystander safety. Playing with the radio, putting on makeup in the car because you were running late, telling the kids to calm down in the backseat,...

Spring brings on a lot of rain shower or thunderstorms, which can cause severe flooding in some areas of your home or neighborhood. Floods can inflict terrible and costly property damage. One of the most heartbreaking and preventable insurance scenarios that we encounter is how many people learn that they aren’t covered for flood damage...

It’s our favorite day again. It is “Get to Know Your Customers Day!” Here at Spivey Insurance Group it is one of our favorite days because we have a fantastic opportunity to celebrate those people who ultimately keep our company successful, which is our customers! We pride ourselves in getting to know our clients enough...

Spivey Insurance Group likes to recognize one our clients each month and feature them as the partner of the month. This April, we would like to recognize the a local business in the area, Rowell’s Inc. Rowell’s offers high performance accessories and service for trucks and RV’s. They are a very reliable company based on...

When thinking about a homeowner’s insurance policy it is important to do research on what all your policy needs to entail. There isn’t one formula that everyone can fit into when it comes to coverage needed. It all depends on the house: the size, location, new or old, frame or brick etc. Here at Spivey...

April 4th is “National Walk to Work Day.” Join in with the rest of us who will walk to work, or when we get home from the office. A 30-minute walk outside enjoying the weather can help increase your physical and mental health! On April 4th, make sure to a have a conscious decision to...

All across the country companies, people, and local communities support the month of April and support Autism Speaks. The month of April is dedicated to focusing on sharing positive, informative, and respectful information about autism and autistic people. Autism Awareness Month spreads the word that autism is both a neurological disability and a natural part...