
Your credit score is a three-digit number between 500 and 900 that is needed for the larger purchases in life, including loans, mortgage and vehicles. But have you ever thought your credit score could affect your insurance rates? Insurance companies have been using credit scores since the 1990’s to determine rates per customer. When in...

The chilly nights in the fall season have people turning on their fireplaces, furnaces, and heaters to keep warm. However, turning on heating devices for the first time after months of sitting shut off can be dangerous. There are many safety hazards to keep in mind when turning on your heater for the first time...

Having insurance is not only smart, but it is legally required. Insurance such as car insurance and health insurance is mandatory by the state. Other types of insurance coverage, such as home insurance, business insurance, etc. just make sense to get through everyday life. However, there are some insurance policies that you could be paying...

As a small business owner, you may sometimes feel intimidated by other business building up around you. You have worked hard to make your business what it is today by offering unique products and services to your customers. When you are a small business, what do you do when you are competing against giant chain...

Do you remember where you were on September 11th, 2001? The exact place where you heard that two planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City. The feelings you had; the chills on your body. Now think of where you are today, 15 years later. Every year this day comes around, it makes...

Having a child grow up does not only mean changes for them, it means changes for you too. Kids getting older bring many changes to the family, like adding another driver. Is your kid getting his or her drivers licenses this year? Will they be driving a new vehicle to and from school everyday? Or...

The North Carolina weather is unpredictable. The summer months bring dangerous thunderstorms and come the winter months, the Carolinas’ are fonder of ice storms than snowstorms. With unpredictable weather, it is hard to prepare for dangerous situations. Even something as simple as a power outage can be dangerous and miserable to live through. At Spivey...

It is that time of year again! Time to stuff book bags full of pencils and paper and send your kids of school! Send your kids off to school this year with confidence by making sure your child has the proper health insurance policy. As a parent, of course you want to do all you...

You have heard of credit card fraud, but have you ever heard of insurance fraud? Insurance fraud is when someone makes a false insurance claim in order to collect money that they are not entitled to. Insurance fraud is illegal in all fifty states and it punished harshly. According to the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud,...

Like any business owner, owning a restaurant is a rewarding experience. However, it takes a lot of work. The restaurant business requires a large amount of an initial investment and constant upkeep and supervision. You want to make sure your restaurant remains profitable after all the hard work that you put into it. You may...

It is affecting drivers around the world, and leads to thousands of accidents every year, and it is only getting worse. It is road rage, and it is mostly commonly known as a condition that involved anger or violence when participating in on-road driving. Many believe that road rage is a myth, or find it...

Owning a small business is a great accomplishment. Putting your own ideas and passion into a physical company makes a dream a reality. But in the everyday reality, there are chances for accidents and injury to happen. In the case of a small business, liability insurance is needed incase of an accident by one of...