Reaching Out To Our Community With A Little Help From Our Friends In Social Media

At Spivey Insurance, we love playing an active role in our community. We feel it is our responsibility to give back whenever we can.

The holidays can be a particularly rough time of year for a lot of families. So many families in our community are facing tough economic times. 

This year, we decided to use resources that we already have in place to try and help those who are less fortunate. 

We decide to reach out to our community and clients through Social Media. For every Facebook “like” we received in December, we would make a $1 donation to the Union County, NC Christmas Bureau.

Our community, clients and friends responded and helped Spivey Insurance to spread the word. 

We were able to make a financial gift to the Christmas Bureau in the amount of $500. 

Our business has been blessed and we have so many wonderful clients and friends that helped to make this possible.  

Below is a video of our presentation to the Christmas Bureau. Thanks to everyone who made this possible.

Thanks for a wonderful 2011 and here’s to a fantastic 2012. 

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