Spivey Insurance “Partner of the Week” Mike’s Tree Service

Mike’s Tree Service

If you are in the Charlotte area and have limbs touching your home or landscaping that is making your home look terrible, we have the right men for you to do take care of the job. Mike’s Tree Service located out of Monroe, NC can help make your property and its trees happy!

To ensure that your landscaping and home looks it best, it’s a good idea to trim, prune and clean up after winter. Your trees should be maintained just as the rest of your home. Spring is the best time to take care of your tree needs.

Every two or three years, trees should have dead limbs removed. Small limbs can also be bad because they may prevent growth. Also, have the trees around your home inspected before that next big storm. Those trees can do great damage to your home!

Just like people, trees can get diseases. Trees that have diseases or that have bug and insect infestation issues will cause the tree to die prematurely. If one limb or section of the tree is infected, it’s often better to remove the unhealthy portion to save the rest of the tree from dying.

Mikes Tree Service provides trimming, pruning, storm cleanup, stump removal and more. To avoid costly damages on your property, call Mike (704.506.7940) to schedule a time for an assessment on your property. Call him today, before you have to call us to file a claim because you didn’t take care of your trees around your home!

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704-821-4460 or 877-318-5951

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