How to Stay Safe during Spring Break Travel Plans

As the Easter Holiday approaches, many take the chance to experience a mini get-a-way with their family. More traffic in theme parks means more traffic on the roads getting there. When taking long road trips, make sure you pre-examine your vehicle. A pre-examination includes check all lights, oil check, and battery check, and make sure your tires are properly inflated. As you begin your road trip, it is a good idea to go ahead and familiarize yourself with state traffic laws, as you travel from state to state.

As you are taking all the precautionary measures to keep your car safe, take the steps to keep what is inside your car safe as well. If you have valuable possessions in your car, keep them locked inside of a container or a bag and hidden under the seat. When you leave your vehicle and return, check to make sure your valuables are still there. When traveling on roads that you have not been on before it is important to keep your gas level in mind. When your gas gauge reaches about a quarter of a tank, it is smart to start looking for the closest gas station so you do not run out of gas. You can also keep your gas usage down by gradually starting when you are stopped and not speeding. It is always nice to save on gas when traveling!

When traveling this spring season, whether on vacation or to see relatives, it is important to keep these vehicle safety tips in mind. If you have any questions with your auto insurance policy call Spivey Insurance Group at 704-821-4460. Share your Spring break travel plans with us on TwitterFacebookInstagramPinterest, and Google Plus.

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