Have you Updated your Homeowners Insurance For The Summer?

Summer is the perfect time to whip out your best hosting skills and have a party. Whether it is a family get-together or one of your children’s birthday, entertaining is at its prime time during the upcoming months. Have you updated a section of your home, including your outdoor space, that may not be included in your homeowner’s insurance policy? This is something people tend to forget year to year. When it is outdoor entertaining season, it is important to check to make sure that your homeowner’s policy covers a range from outdoor space to injury liability claims.
If you think your outdoor property is not up to par, it causes an increase risk for injury when having guest over. Look into how much injury liability protection you have on your policy and update if necessary if you plan on entertaining large crowds this summer. Consider adding umbrella insurance policy to your homeowners insurance. Umbrella insurance covers if someone gets hurt on your property and sues, if your pet causes injury to one of your guest, and if a tree falls and causes damages to another property. Having an umbrella insurance policy along with your homeowner’s insurance policy will take the stress off of you this summer when hosting summer parties. If you want to know more about an umbrella insurance policy, click here.
Have you updated your outdoor property since you have updates your homeowners insurance. Adding items such as a garage, hot tube, outdoor kitchen, and pool are all reasons to update your home insurance policy. Items such as these are typically covered by your physically dwelling, but check with your insurance agent to make sure.
If you have made improvements to your home and want to update your homeowner’s insurance policy, give Spivey Insurance Group a call at 704-821-4460. Our insurance agents can design an insurance policy that is perfect for your summer plans. Keep up with Spivey Insurance Group this summer on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google Plus!

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