“When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!”

With North Carolina thunderstorm season in full force (it typically lasts from March until late fall, with the most damaging storms occurring from March to July), are you prepared and ready to protect your family from property damage and injuries? Everyone always has the attitude that damage or medical problems can never affect them when a storm hits. However, over the last ten years there have been over 6000 reports of large hail and damaging wind statewide resulting in over thirteen million dollars in damage. Thunderstorms have also been responsible for a number of injuries and even deaths in the state resulting from lightning, high wind and tornadoes. With these statistics, are you ready for the next severe storm?

In 2010, North Carolina was ranked #4 in severe weather!

    – Large Hail: In the last 5 years, thunderstorms in North Carolina have produced hail ranging from the size of eggs to baseballs, and while it is usually not life threatening it can cause severe property damage to items such as roofs, siding, windows, automobiles, etc.

    – Damaging Wind: Severe gusts of winds from a thunderstorm are referred to as straight line winds and can be nearly as damaging as tornadoes. With speeds up to 100 mph, straight line winds can cause widespread damage and injury due to flying debris. Nationally over the past 30 years, thunderstorm winds have killed the same amount of people as tornadoes.


But the big question is, how do you protect you and your family from these damaging storms? The answer is, BE PREPARED!

  1. A good rule of thumb to live by: When Thunder Roars…Go Indoors.
  2. When the storm approaches, stay away from windows and if the winds become severe seek shelter in an interior bathroom or closet.
  3. Assemble a disaster supplies kit which should include: a first aid kit, essential medications, water, nonperishable foods, a battery-operated radio, and a flashlight.
  4. Stay informed by listening to weather reports for up-to-date information.
  5. Be prepared financially by having the proper insurance policy to cover the needs of you and your family!

For information on North Carolina insurance and to find the best homeowners’ policy for you, visit our website today or call to speak to one of our helpful agents at 877-318-5951.

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