Why Bother with Health Insurance?

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk in the media about health insurance, and it’s possible that a person in excellent health may consider it to be an unnecessary expense. However, unless such a person has plenty of money available, sudden or unexpected medical costs can be financially crippling without insurance coverage.

Health insurance is designed to contribute towards the cost of health and medical care. Depending on the policy, it may provide some coverage not only for check-ups, doctor visits and medications, but also for emergency treatment and surgery. Even a very healthy person might suffer an accident and end up in a hospital emergency room.

In addition, sometimes an illness with few symptoms can go unnoticed for years before a doctor picks it up. This highlights the importance of regular check-ups and preventive care to identify disease in its earliest stages, when it is more easily treatable. Unchecked and untreated disease can lead to major treatment and costs later on, including medications, surgery and other therapies. Check-ups also cost money, and fortunately many policies include a number of health examinations and preventive care treatments that are free-of-charge to policyholders.

Health care can be expensive, and it’s important to keep on top of your health throughout life. As such, it’s also vital to have adequate up-to-date coverage for yourself and your family members to help towards covering the cost of your health care treatments. Make sure you take the time to find a health insurance policy to suit your current needs.


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