Does Your Business Need Equipment Breakdown Coverage?

Most businesses have some type of equipment that they need to get the job done. Landscapers need lawn mowers and leaf blowers. Accountants need computers and printers. Asphalt companies need melters and sealcoaters. Without these items, the company wouldn’t be able to fulfill its clients’ needs. But what happens when these pieces of equipment break […]

How to Compare Insurance Quotes

Whether you’re switching your insurance company or just looking at different quotes from the same one, you’ll need to compare them. Since not all insurance quotes (or even insurance coverages) are created equal, there’s a strategic process to this that should be followed to ensure that you’re choosing the best possible policy for your needs […]

Contractors, Are Your Tools Insured?

Contractors need many different types of insurance, simply to protect themselves, their workers, and even their clients while on the job. However, insuring their tools can be something that simply slips their minds. This is problematic because those tools are not only expensive, and in some cases, irreplaceable custom items, but also because they are […]

No-Fault Insurance Coverage Explained

When you look over your car insurance policy, you’ll probably notice something called Personal Injury Protection coverage. This is also known as No-fault Insurance Coverage. Most U.S. states require that drivers have this as a part of their overall automobile policy, which means that in order to be fully insured, this needs to be included. […]

Halloween Costume Ideas for Adults and Kids

Halloween is approaching fast. The best part of Halloween are the Costumes, or it may be candy depending on who you ask. Here are some fun ideas for Halloween Costumes this year! Animals It can be a Dinosaur, Dog, Cat, Bird, Dolphin, Bat, Ant, Bear, Lion, Octopus, Starfish Etc. The fun thing about animals is […]

How do I get Insurance on my Vehicle if I’m an Uber Driver?

Whether you’re providing a ridesharing or delivery service, Spivey’s here to make sure you’re fully covered while you’re waiting on a fare, in the middle of a trip, or heading home. If your vehicle is used to help you make money, or it is registered as a commercial vehicle, then you absolutely need to investigate […]

Let’s Get To Know Abigail VanDeLinde

We have a few questions that we asked our new employee Abigail to get to know her! Q: If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be & why? A:  “Loyal” I am always there for my family and friends.   Q: Recently Binged TV Series: A: My husband Zach and I […]

Top 3 Budget Home Improvements for Fall

Fall time is here. It is crazy how fast this year has gone by. Fall time Is a great time to start new projects. Kids are finally back in school, and you need something new to start. Here are a few ideas for easy home improvements for your home. Kitchen Kitchen is the most important […]

What Can I Do to Help Our Military/Soldiers?

This has been a hectic, to say the least, time for our military. Our officers have had to make extremely tough decisions over the past couple weeks. Especially with 9/11 coming up, supporting our military is an Americans duty to our country and prosperity. We all need to pull together to help and serve them […]

How can I teach my kid to make good decisions when going back to school?

Having Kids can be STRESSFUL. We know that as your kid gets older, they kind of do what they want, or what others are doing around them. It is very important to teach your kid safety tips at a younger age when they are starting school. Here are a few tips that every kid should […]

Does My College Student Need Renters Insurance for their Apartment Off Campus?

It’s getting to that time of the year again… Football season, Fall, and School! Now a common question that our agency gets is “Does My College Student Need Renters Insurance for their Apartment Off Campus?” The answer is YES. Whether they live in a apartment, townhome, or house they will need their own renters insurance […]

Indian Trail National Night Out at Chestnut Square Park

Indian Trail is known for its many festivities and community events. The town of Indian Trail keeps close together and involved. This National Night Out is to celebrate our police force in making the town of Indian Trail safe and a great place to live. This Event is taking place 8-3-2021 from 6pm to 9pm […]