
If you follow us on Facebook, you know our beloved office dog Molly recently graduated from physical therapy after undergoing knee surgery in September. She’s getting back to her old self just in time because January is Walk Your Dog Month! Now that she can move around freely again, Molly has been absolutely loving the...

Even though the holiday season came and went weeks ago, what’s great is we still get to enjoy our gifts! Did you receive any gadgets or jewelry? The lull between the holidays and the start of spring is a great time to take an inventory of the possessions in your home. This is important because...

Christmas is just a couple days away and that means time is running out to buy gifts for everyone. Some of us like to wait last minute instead of getting our shopping done on early on Black Friday. Around the holidays schedules seem to become much busier. Although, last minute shopping can be very stressful,...

This Christmas we urge everyone to be very careful and safe to avoid a deadly Christmas Tree fire. We know how much fun finding the perfect tree is, but we want to make sure you and your family are protected in case of a Christmas tree fire. Having such a large plant in your house...

There’s nothing more important in life than family, friends and neighbors and no more secure feeling than knowing that “they have your back.” That’s why it’s so particularly gratifying and satisfying to all of us at Spivey Insurance Group about the way you, our clients and friends, have our back. We’re so proud of the...

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays here at Spivey Insurance Group. One reason is because there is lots of food! This is a day to relax with your family and enjoy some traditional Thanksgiving dishes. With family coming into town and preparing for a Thanksgiving feast, it can also be a stressful time. Therefore,...

Spivey Insurance Group likes to recognize one our clients each month and feature them as the Partner of the month. This year we are so excited to recognize as many of our clients as we can. We appreciate each and every one of them. This November, we would like to recognize Tree Top Catering. Tree...

The first official day of the Fall Season has already come and gone, but in North Carolina you never know what to expect with the weather. With the cooler temperatures approaching in October and November months it is the time when the leaves begin to change color, the mornings are getting a bit colder, and...

When it comes to insuring your boat during the fall, many people think that they can tact it onto their home or auto insurance, but this is not the case. Different boat insurance policies are created for different types of watercraft’s. Here at Spivey Insurance Group we want to make sure to protect you and...

Halloween is here. It is that one time of year to act silly, dress up in costumes, and venture out to “trick-or-treat” for candy and other goodies. Halloween is the one day out of the year where you can show how creative your imagination can be. With all the fun Halloween brings there are safety...

While spring and summer are common times for many homeowners to spend some extra attention on upkeep and maintenance, autumn is just as critical of a season for preparing your home to withstand the potentially harsh colder temperatures conditions that may await this fall. By making maintenance part of your annual fall routine you can...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. By bringing awareness to breast cancer it gives people diagnosed with it hope and support. One out of every eight women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. It is the leading cause of death for...