Charlotte Insurance: New Perks for Moms-to-be

As the health reform takes shape and health insurance plans are restructured to adhere to the new laws, many new benefits and freebies are now or soon to be offered to many moms-to-be and new moms out there. Thanks to a provision of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Charlotte Insurance will soon be covering preventative care 100% for pregnant women, new moms and their babies. To put it in basic terms, they will be paying zero out-of-pocket costs for prevention if covered by one of these health plans.

So which health preventive practices are going to be covered? Continue reading to learn some of the main coverages that will be offered for women during and after their pregnancy.

As we all know, doctors preach prevention as the key to healthy living. However, statistics from the March of Dimes Foundation (a foundation for stronger, healthier babies) for 2008 found that about 1 of every 10 infants was born to a woman receiving inadequate prenatal care in North Carolina. Thus the reasoning for these new health benefits for the expectant and new moms. For most, starting August 1st, 2012 new health plans must cover the following preventative health procedures:

#1 Health Screening to Protect You and Your Baby

Already in place for plans this year, screening of a variety of health conditions must be fully covered. The screenings covered are for relatively easily treated issues such as iron deficiency, hepatitis B, incompatibility between your blood and your baby’s, and infections such urinary infections. Also starting in August 2012, health plans must cover screenings for gestational diabetes.

#2 Counseling for Expectant Mothers to Quit Unhealthy Habits

Everybody knows that when a woman gets pregnant, it means it’s time to quit all of those unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking. However, saying and doing are two completely different things because quitting an addictive habit isn’t an easy task. Thus new health plans must 100% cover counseling for pregnant women to help them quit during their pregnancy.

        ***Did you know…that a 2006 study found that infants of smokers had a mortality rate 71% higher than infants of nonsmokers (11.25 percent versus 6.65 percent).

#3 Breastfeeding Supplies and Support

The health reform also is putting into place starting August 2012 full coverage breastfeeding supplies such as a breast pump, along with support if a new mom needs expert help to master the act. Breastfeeding is both good for the baby because if offers perfect nutrition for the baby and good for the mother as it linked to lower risks in diabetes, breast cancer, postpartum depression, and ovarian cancer.

#4 Routine Vaccines

Starting this year, your baby’s immunization is a zero out-of-pocket cost. The covered vaccinations include shots such as tetanus, hepatitis A and B, measles, mumps and rubella, chicken pox, and others that are doctor recommended. Another benefit that this new policy offers is the fact that older children and adults are also covered for routine vaccinations.

#5 Well-Baby and Well-Woman Visits

Another major benefit of the new provision is that well-child visits (which take place every few months to monitor growth, screen for health conditions, and just perform overall routines check-ups) along with well-mother visits are fully covered 100%. Well-child visits are already being covered by health plans, and coverage for new moms (which are for things such as screening for cervical and breast cancer along with testing for high blood pressure) will be covered starting August 2012. New health plans must also cover birth control 100%.

One thing to keep in mind with all of these new benefits and freebies for pregnant women and new moms is that any health plan created and sold before March 23rd, 2010 will not provide these advantages. Do you have questions or concerns about the health reform or any other type of Charlotte Insurance? Visit our website today or call us at 877-318-5951. Also, don’t forget to get social with us on Facebook and Twitter in order to stay up to date on the latest in the Spivey Insurance World including information about all of our contests, interesting news and fun facts!

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