Charlotte/Metro Area Winter Storms

If you have watched the weather forecast within the past 24 hrs, you may have heard that our area will experience snow/ice!

While we welcome time with family and friends on snow days, we don’t always want the consequences of a winter storm.

To make sure that your family is safe and warm during a winter storm here are some tips to follow in preparation for the fun and rare occasion that is on its way to Charlotte and surrounding areas.


  • Firewood, if you have a fireplace. If you have propane logs, make sure that your tanks are filled.
  • Food that is non-perishable. Canned foods or meals that don’t require much preparation in case of power outages.
  • Emergency equipment such as generators and flashlights. Test them before hand so you know that they are ready for use.
  • Water for drinking and cooking, case your pipes freeze or you lose power. Bottled water and containers of distilled water can be found at any grocery store.
  • Make sure to charge your cell phone, laptop and other mobile device batteries. Make sure that you have car chargers for your electronics just in case you need to be able to charge them without power in the home.
  • Learn how to shut off your home’s water valves in the event that a pipe breaks.
  • Let your faucets to drip to prevent freezing water from causing pipes to burst.


These steps will help your family be safe, warm and perhaps enjoy the snow that is predicted!

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704-821-4460 or 877-318-5951



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