Holiday Cleanup Tips from your Charlotte Insurance Agency!

Holiday parties are a great way to celebrate with family and friends! Before your party, you’ll want to make sure you have adequate Charlotte insurance coverage to protect your home. Once your friends and family have left, the gifts have been unwrapped, and all the food’s been eaten, you might be left with a mess! Here are some tips for tackling that mess:

Right after the Party

  • Do the big stuff. If there are spills on the carpet or couch, soak up the liquid immediately before the stain can set, then use a stain-removal product.
  • Collect trash. Walk around the house with a garbage bag, and pick up everything you want to throw away.
  • Vacuum. You don’t have to do a thorough job right now. Just make sure you get all the crumbs so you don’t attract bugs or mice.
  • Collect dishes and load them in the dishwasher. Run it before you go to bed so nothing sticks to your dishes.

The Next Day

  • Set a time limit. Pick a room, like the dining room, and jump in! Giving yourself a time limit for each room will keep you focused and on track.
  • Clean the kitchen last. You’ve probably been bringing things from all over the house back into the kitchen, so it should be your last step. Unload the dishwasher, scrub the countertops, and mop the floor. Then sit back and reward yourself with some leftovers!

By splitting your cleaning into two days, you’ll get everything done quickly and efficiently without exhausting yourself. Don’t forget to prepare before the party by checking your Charlotte insurance policy to make sure every inch is covered. Happy holidays!


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