You’ve worked hard to establish your shop. No one can even imagine the hours and the time spent to learn your craft. The dream has come true and you are making a living doing what you love. The classic American Dream. Have you protected yourself financially? What is someone gets hurt while in your shop?...
Cold and Flu season is here, and that can mean frequent trips to the doctors office. Are you not quite sure what your health insurance covers? At Spivey Insurance Group we can create a custom health insurance plan for you and all your health needs. The basics in every insurance plan covers doctors visits, prescription...
Halloween is that one time of year we can transform into someone else. It is that time of year for children to dress up as their favorite super hero, or movie character. When trying to plan the perfect costume and plans for Halloween night, it can be easy to forget about simple tips to make...
Spivey Insurance Group is just six short weeks away from drawing your name to win $1,000! You can win this $1,000 bonus cash by referring someone to Spivey Insurance Group for a quote. Share the excellent service you have had with friends, family, neighbors, and others and you could win $1,000. It is always nice...
Once again, the Union County Enquirer Journal awarded the Readers Choice Award to Spivey Insurance Group for favorite local insurance agency. The Enquirer Journal is a local newspaper for Union County and surrounding areas. This is back-to-back years that Spivey Insurance Group has received this award. Spivey Insurance Group would like to thank all the...
It is hard to go through life and not think of the “what ifs?” “What if the old tree in the front yard falls on the house?” “What if the dog needs surgery?” “What if the old-faithful desktop computer finally decides to die?” Situations such as theses may require you to dip into some savings...
With all the rain that we have received over the past week, it is clear that the rainy season is here. Many people do not know that the area that they live in can be acceptable to flooding. When flooding occurs, there is nothing you can do to stop it, and you can end up...
You are a very busy person with cars in your shop and cars on the lot awaiting repairs. Yes, we know it can be stressful because your customers are awaiting their cars to be repaired. You have a million things to do. One thing you don’t need to hassle with is worrying if you are...
The days of consecutive sun-shinny weather are slowly decreasing. And showers are not only meant for April. Increasing rain chances that will suddenly turn into snow and ice are coming our way. Do not just think that safe driving tips in dangerous weather conditions only apply during snow and ice storms. Long extensive periods of...
This past week, we graciously welcomed fall! Before we know it, we are going to be making the switch from air conditioning to heat to keep our homes warm. This switch causes an increase risk for fires to spur up. Most fires happen between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., or while you...
“I am a Woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal Woman, that’s me.” ―Maya Angelou. Today is a celebration, National Business Women’s day, to recognize all the women who have an influence in the business world. Congress officially declared September 22, National Business Women day in 1983 and once again in 1986. From that day forward, we recognize all...
“Driving is a privilege, not a right.” You may have heard this over and over when you were a young, beginner driver. But just because you have grown up over the years does not mean this rule has change. And unfortunately this privilege causes numerous harmful car accidents. Although the statistic can be scary to...
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