

We are nearing the end of October and this means that the holiday months are quickly approaching. During Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s there are always parties and events happening. Many of us like to host events in our own homes and celebrate with friends and family. Parties are meant for everyone to join...

It is never too early to prepare for your child’s college education. As parents of young children, you often don’t think of how fast college approaches. Getting a college education is becoming increasingly expensive and places financial stress on the family. Students as early as freshmen in high school should become familiar with colleges and...

A lot of you know already what it’s like for that first child to move away from home into college. You knew it was coming, so the time has finally come. You are excited and fearful and sad all at the same time. You have a child moving into college. It use to seem so...

In this day and age we are presented with a lot of options and choices when it comes to which insurance company to choose and which coverage’s and policies we need. In the world of insurance there are generally two types of agents: independent and captive. An independent agent has the ability to offer more...

Even though fall is one of the best times of year, it does come with a major downfall…flu season. According to the Centers for Disease Control flu season begins as early as October. It typically occurs in the fall and peaks in January or February. The best way to protect your-self from getting the flu...

It’s almost that time of year again…Halloween is only a few weeks away! Halloween is super fun for children and adults. It is that one time of year to act silly, dress up in costumes, and venture out to “trick-or-treat” for candy and other goodies. Halloween is the one day out of the year where...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. By bringing awareness to breast cancer it gives people diagnosed with it hope and support. One out of every eight women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime. A common myth is that only women can...

Driving is an important part of everyday life because if we couldn’t drive then we would not be able to make it to work, school, or run errands in town. Especially in areas where public transportation is non-existent, driving is crucial. What type of car you buy is important, but also what type of auto...

Sometimes it happens and the insurance company cancels your homeowners insurance policy. Your question may be can an Insurance Carrier cancel your policy? The answer is yes under certain conditions. Once you sign an application with a new homeowners insurance carrier the insurance carrier has 60 days to inspect the house and determine if they...

Most of the time when life insurance is mentioned, there a 3 types that come to mind. Whole Life, Universal Life & Term Insurance. Do you know what your options are or which type would best suit your needs and budget? To keep it simple here is a break down on 3 of your most...

LinkedIn has been around for several years now, but many professionals and businesses have yet to grasp the concept of it. It is a remarkable tool to connect and network with colleagues and experts in your area or related field. LinkedIn also consists of a large market of job seekers and recruiters. It is the...

Today many people only carry a credit or debit card because cash is a hassle to carry around. Swiping a credit card is very convenient to those who have one. There are upsides to using a credit card, but people need to be extra cautious when swiping. According to the Federal Trade Commission, 25.6 million...