Spring is in the Air

Spring is officially here! Since spring is here, you know what that means…Spring cleaning! Like many others, you probably dread thinking about this task, but it is something that must be done. Are you ready to tackle those spring DIY projects? Start fresh this Spring and begin with a deep-down spring cleaning, throw in a little organization, and your home will feel like new. Everyone loves spring time. Nature is blooming, daylight is longer, and the weather makes for a perfect excuse to get outside.

Take your spring cleaning to the exterior of your home or spruce up the yard. Take on small projects such as planting a flower bed or garden and make it a project the whole family can participate in. Grab some paint and start painting! A touch of paint can make something look brand new. Don’t overwhelm yourself and try to accomplish every task in one day. Work your way around and inside the house and complete each room one at a time. Open the windows, let the fresh air in, and start your cleaning off right!

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