Tips and Tricks to Saving Money and Growing your Small Business.

Starting a business can be hard work and a lot of money. Saving where it matters most can be very beneficial. Here are a few ways you can save with whatever business you start. Ways to Get Clients. A lot of the time when you start a business you feel as if you need to […]

Support the Local Community for Small Business Saturday

Today is national small business Saturday. Here at Spivey Insurance Group we take great pride in being a small business and serving our customers across the Carolinas to the best of our ability. It isn’t easy being a small business owner. Small businesses can face unique and difficult challenges, but it is also very rewarding. […]

Happy National Business Women’s Day!

“I am a Woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal Woman, that’s me.” ―Maya Angelou. Today is a celebration, National Business Women’s day, to recognize all the women who have an influence in the business world. Congress officially declared September 22, National Business Women day in 1983 and once again in 1986. From that day forward, we recognize all […]