Tips About Workers’ Comp You Absolutely Must Know

NC Workers Comp

At Spivey Insurance Group, we get a lot of calls with questions about Workers’ Comp policies for North Carolina. A lot of people simply ask, “why is it needed?”

In North Carolina, you are required by law to carry worker’s comp insurance if you employ 3 or more other people. In South Carolina, the requirement is 4 or more employees.

If someone would get hurt at your place of business, they would have some benefits under the Workers’ Comp Program. It may cover lost wages, and coverage for their medical injuries.

Medical Coverage Under NC Workers Comp

The medical coverage is unlimited. The employers liability does have some monetary limits.

The Workers’ Comp insurance is needed in the event a company owner is sued. Some business owners opt out of workers’ comp and that can be a mistake. Even if a business owner has their own insurance or health coverage, we recommend that they also carry a comprehensive workers’ comp policy.

Some health policies exclude injuries suffered on the job. You really have to read the fine print.

At Spivey Insurance Group, we are here to help you protect your business. We are experts at Workers’ Comp insurance.

Check out our video from Jim below as he gives you some excellent workers’ comp tips about how it can effect your business as well as you personally.

Please give us a call or an email and we will be happy to explain all the ins and outs about Workers’ Comp insurance.

Spivey Insurance Group
251 Post Office Drive #3
Indian Trail, NC 28079

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