
Did you know that September isLife Insurance Awareness month? Don’t think you need North Carolina life insurance? Think again! The loss of a loved one is already an emotional trauma that is horrible for anybody to go through, but to have to deal with financial loss can make it that much worse. By purchasing a...

Car insurance is an anticipated cost of living for most people across the country. However, although North Carolina auto insurance is a requirement, it doesn’t have to break your bank! With the economy struggling and people searching for any way possible to save some money, insurance companies are now offering all kinds of different discounts. From...

Most people put a huge amount of time, effort, and money into opening and running a small business. So why take the risk of losing all of that by not purchasing NC business insurance? Protecting your business with the proper coverage is important to your future, and there are several ways to find the cheapest...

We all make the mistake of thinking that since we aren’t in California or on the west coast earthquakes are a non-existent threat. But the strong Tuesday quake in Virginia that was felt up and down the east coast has people second-guessing that thought. Mother Nature is an unpredictable monster; one can never guess where...

As Hurricane Irene approaches, it’s looking more and more like the Carolinas are in store for a brutal pounding. Forecasters are now predicting that Irene will make landfall late in the week as a very large and very powerful storm. The question remains, are you prepared for the possible damage and destruction that may occur?...

What are some of your favorite insurance commericals? Are you a mayhem fan? Does the traveler dog tug at your heart strings? We want to know which one you like the most! Here's a few of our favorites! Let us know in the comments which are some of your favorites! Which company do you think does...

So, you have your home, cars, and other possessions completely covered by your insurance policies and you're probably thinking that you have all the coverage you could ever need…but you may be wrong! In a world where people sue over anything and everything, your primary insurance policies may not offer you the amount of coverage...

 Did you know that on average, uninsured families can only afford to pay in full for approximately 12 percent of hospital stays they may experience? According to the Insurance Journal, nearly two million uninsured Americans are hospitalized each year resulting in about $73 billion of bills that are left unpaid annually. That number is then...

Source: Stay Smart, Stay Healthy  

With the economy down, people are resorting more and more to insurance fraud as an easy and quick way to make some money. However, this means insurance companies are cracking down more and more.  There is now a wide-established list of “red flags” (also known as “suspicious loss indicators”) that raise an insurer’s suspicion to...

Purchasing and owning a home is one of the biggest investments a person can make in their lifetime. In fact, a residence is often times the largest asset ever owned by a person. Therefore, the question begging to be asked is why would someone sacrifice on the amount of coverage they have just to save...

As August approaches its time to let the truth hit you, your son or daughter just graduated high school and now they’re about to leave home and enter college in little over a month. That’s a scary reality and I’m sure the first thought that enters your mind is where did the time go? It...