
Okay, maybe that is a little aggressive, but did I catch your attention? Do not underestimate the number of drivers around you texting or just simply on their phone. You may be the perfect driver but that does not mean someone around you is not a stupid driver. Is it worth it? I know how...

When a person works hard and saves money, they do it to guarantee their financial future. Unfortunately, people sometimes end up in a situation where they lose many of their assets due to an accident; if you are involved in an accident without proper liability coverage, you can end up paying for damages out-of-pocket. Many...

Your son or daughter being old enough to start driving is a very exciting time. They’re spreading their wings, gaining more independence and taking on more responsibility. Not having to be their taxi service anymore can be liberating for you too. Of course, it can also be a nerve-racking time knowing your child will be...

Now is a great time to think about life insurance because May 2 is Life Insurance Day. Life Insurance Day has been around since 1760 when life insurance policies first started being sold. Life insurance is one of the best investments you can make to ensure your family’s wellbeing. None of us knows the future, and...

For this week’s blog, we want to highlight National Autism Awareness Month and Autism Awareness Day, which is today, April 2. Since the 1970s, The Autism Society of America has worked to spread awareness and promote acceptance of those on the spectrum. In honor of National Autism Awareness Month, we’re learning more about people with...

At Spivey Insurance, we know much time, effort and ingenuity it takes to make a small business profitable. After all, we’re a small business ourselves! With all the day-to-day pressures and obstacles you have to overcome to make your small businesses successful, protecting yourself from a cyberattack may not be at the forefront of your...

It’s a common misconception that your homeowners’ insurance policy will cover you from all water damage in your home. Unfortunately, carriers make the distinction between damage caused by water above your home and water below. Water coming from above is covered, but water coming from below is not. That leaves many people with a huge...

Did you know that today is National Chili Day? One of the great things about chili is you can be so inventive with it! To celebrate, we’ve compiled a list of yummy ingredients you can add to your chili that aren’t just your run-of-the-mill ground beef, tomato sauce, kidney beans and cumin. Experiment with a...

Jewelry insurance isn’t one of those coverages you hear about all the time like homeowners insurance or auto insurance. Nonetheless, it’s a very important coverage to have. When was the last time you assessed the value of all the jewelry your family owns? That includes wedding rings, gifted jewelry over the years, heirlooms, everything. It’s...

While Valentine’s Day can be an enjoyable time, sometimes the pressure to spend money on extravagant gifts or fancy dinners can overshadow the fact that Valentine’s Day should just be about spending time with your significant other. Since at Spivey Insurance we know that budgets are tighter than ever, we want to offer some inexpensive...

This Saturday, February 1 is National Car Insurance Day! Even if it’s not as exciting as Christmas or the Super Bowl, here at Spivey Insurance we think it’s a cause for celebration! Rather than thinking about having to buy car insurance as a punishment, we hope we can help you see that purchasing the proper...

With a new year and a new decade upon us, you may be thinking about your finances, your future and your family’s future. Questions about life insurance come up a lot when we’re talking to our clients about these topics. Because everyone’s family and circumstances are different, life insurance policies are not one-size-fits-all.  While there’s...